Cook of the Mercenary Corp


Youhei-dan no Ryouriban
傭兵団の料理番(Web novel)


I like cooking. But, when I was coming back from shopping I got lost and ended up being the cook of a mercenary unit. I don’t know why this happened but, in order to survive I will make delicious meals… This is the story of the heroic unit which became a legend in the future and the amazing cook who continued to support them.

Author: Kataribito (KOWAI KO)

Illustrator: Shiki Douji



A lot of the later links are broken since they link from the old domain. I’ve fixed the ones of this page, but the next chapter/previous chapter links are dead.

Prologue – Me and the Mercenary Corp

Chapter 1 – Cream Stew of the Beginning (Part 1)

Chapter 2 – Cream Stew of the Beginning (Part 2)

Chapter 3 – Hamburg Steak of Creativity (Part 1)

Chapter 4 – Hamburg Steak of Creativity (Part 2)

Chapter 5 – Deep-fried Horse Mackerel of Understanding (Part 1)

Chapter 6 – Deep-fried Horse Mackerel of Understanding (Part 2)

Chapter 7 – Boiled Tofu of Lovesickness (Part 1)

Chapter 8 – Boiled Tofu of Lovesickness (Part 2)

Chapter 9 – Pot-au-fue of Nostalgia (Part 1)

Chapter 10 – Pot-au-fue of Nostalgia (Part 2)

Chapter 11 – Oden with Everyone (Part 1)

Chapter 12 – Oden with Everyone (Part 2)

 Volume 1 – Me and the Feudal Lord

Chapter 13 – Mapo Tofu of Unreasonable Demand (Part 1)

Chapter 14 – Mapo Tofu of Unreasonable Demand (Part 2)

Chapter 15 – Mapo Tofu of Unreasonable Demand (Part 3)

Chapter 16 – Cheesecake of Attraction (Part 1)

Chapter 17 – Cheesecake of Attraction (Part 2)

Chapter 18 – Cheesecake of Attraction (Part 3)

Chapter 19 – Curry Rice of Anger (Part 1)

Chapter 20 – Curry Rice of Anger (Part 2)

Chapter 21 – Curry Rice of Anger (Part 3)

Chapter 22 – Curry Rice of Anger (Epilogue and Inside Story)

Chapter 23 – Crispy Roasted Suckling Pig of Imprisonment

Volume 2 – Me and the Jailor-san

Chapter 24 – Jailor-san and Sake-steamed Clams

Chapter 25 – Troubles and Butter Potato

Chapter 26 – Promise and Potato Chips

Chapter 27 – Truth and Potato-mochi (Part 1)

Chapter 28 – Truth and Potato-mochi (Part 2)

Chapter 29 – Fate and Potato Galette (Part 1)

Chapter 30 – Fate and Potato Galette (Part 2)

Chapter 31 – Code Hamburg – Rirushu of the Rebellion

Chapter 32 – Conclusion and Motsunabe (Beginning Chapter)

Chapter 33 – Conclusion and Motsunabe (Second Chapter)

Chapter 34 – Conclusion and Motsunabe (Turning Chapter)

Chapter 35 – Conclusion and Motsunabe (Resolution Chapter)

Chapter 36 – Conclusion and Motsunabe (Inside Chapter)

Volume 3 – Me and the Bride-san

Chapter 37 – Long time no see and Tofu Hamburg Steak (Part 1) (Updated)

Chapter 38 – Long time no see and Tofu Hamburg Steak (Part 2)

Chapter 39 – Princess and Mizuwari (Part 1)

Chapter 40 – Princess and Mizuwari (Part 2)

Chapter 41 – A Reckless Men’s Gathering and Boiled Edamame

Chapter 42 – An Off-topic Women’s Gathering and Fried Chicken

Chapter 43 – A Present and Gyoza (Part 1)

Chapter 44 – A Present and Gyoza (Part 2)

Chapter 45 – A Shriek and Steak (Part 1)

Chapter 46 – A Shriek and Steak (Part 2)

Chapter 47 – Divine Revelation and Fried Rice (Part 1)

Chapter 48 – Divine Revelation and Fried Rice (Part 2)

Chapter 49 – Divine Revelation and Fried Rice (Part 3)

Chapter 50 – Wedding Ceremony and Grilled Lobster (Introduction)

Chapter 51 – Wedding Ceremony and Grilled Lobster (Development)

Chapter 52 – Wedding Ceremony and Grilled Lobster (Twist)

Chapter 53 – Wedding Ceremony and Grilled Lobster (Conclusion)

Insert random trivia here ( Intro.Deve.Twist.Conclusion is just part 1,2 ,3, 4 and is just the japanese introduction, conflict, resolution format)

Chapter 54 – Wedding Night and Mead (Part 1)

Chapter 55 – Wedding Night and Mead (Part 2)

Chapter 56 – Epilogue to Part 1

Chapter 57 (Behind the scenes) – The Malice Sprouting Quietly

Volume 1 – Me and the Turning Point

(Technically Volume 4)

Chapter 58 – Act 2 Prologue

Chapter 59 –

Chapter 60 –

79 thoughts on “Cook of the Mercenary Corp

      • A bit late but the amount of chefs who go out for a cig during working hours is not small, and also as a side note i’ve seen a fair amount (chefs, waiters and staff in general) who use coke or other stimulant drugs to “keep up” with the presure and stress of a crowded restaurant.
        Source: i’ve worked on medium sized restaurants.


      • Dilettante.

        The amount of chefs (many of them world-class) that “harm their tastebuds with a cigarette” far exceeds the number of those who don’t.

        Please discard your romantic notions of the culinary world, and realize that it’s an unforgiving, high-pressure environment that gives no care to the half-assed ramblings of amateur food critics on instagram. It’s about relentless replication and repetition of dishes over and over until it can be done by wrote without regards to personal touch or artistry, relying on the delusions of diner to fool themselves into thinking that their entree, probably one out of the thousands upon thousands the line cook who prepared it has churned out over the past week, is some unique snowflake and not the product of endless robotic repetition.

        Source: spent many years on the line under the care of some of those world-class chefs, and we bloody hate you hobbyists with a burning passion. We’ll gladly take your money, though, so there’s that.


  1. i just found a video that gives me the feeling like that´s like shuri
    on youtube (AMV Fun Fun Yum Yum <–videoname )
    maybe just not so obviously cool


  2. Please I am asking please update this story soon I must know what happens next. I know it’s up to you to decide and I don’t mind but if you can’t please tell me it’s within a month I can’t wait 2 months on a story that I am interested in. To many have already crushed my heart.


    • We are up to date. The only things I am working on right now when it comes to this series is updating some extra story points that was written into some of the previous chapters. However, they don’t really change the story too much, so as I have said, we are up to date with the raws.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. I found this series by chance and I’ve liked it so far. Thank you for all your hard work for translating something this fun and enjoyable! I hope you have a happy new year~ 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • Do you want me to die D:
      Jokes, thanks for telling me 🙂 No eta unfortunately as I’m busy with uni work for likely the next two weeks, so 1-2 uchimusume/wk is already my max. I’ll see tho~ let’s try to get this chapter out before April ends lol. That’s right. Ends.

      Liked by 1 person

    • Wut!! Damn alright. I’ll make an announcement as to when I’ll work on those later I guess. I have a mid semester break next week so if I focus on translating some shuri, I should be able to churn some chapters out heh.


  4. Hi there! The new chapters of ryouriban has been been released, steak something. Will you be translating it soon?


  5. I was reading through this again after awhile and noticed that the chapter names sound like something Arisa (Death March) said.
    *ex. Sacrilegious corn

    Liked by 1 person

  6. The names were odd…
    I thought
    Ganglabe = Gangrave
    Ahrius = Arius
    Riru = Lil
    Cougar = Kuuga
    Gan Rubber = Garn Rubber
    Ekress = Eccless
    Wutin = Utein
    I dunno…


    • Sure.
      Ganglabe being gangrave(mainly cause it sounded cooler)was brought to my attention before, but since I was already many chapters in, I decided to leave it.
      Arius I disagree with because her a has a drag. When I first decided her name, arius was something I considered.
      Lil, was also my initial choice, however… it’s not really a name? And i thought it could’ve been confused with little too easily.
      Cougar… I mean, sure.
      Garn, Gann, yeah… I was slightly rushed I think when I was coming up with Gann’s name, so I didn’t think about the possibility of r
      Ekress… not too sure, I think it may have something to do with her full name, which is why I kept it?(too long ago now)
      Wutin, I mean you right. I just had no idea how to namify her name lol


      • Well at first i think the names was too weird for the novel. Like Cougar, he found the Kuugaryu style.. I believe his name is Kuuga although Kuuga rhyme with Cougar. Because of Kuuga, i suspect Riru’s name is Lil. But, since you’ve almost caught up with the author. I guess it’s alright. Well everyone here already used to with Ganglabe etc. Don’t mind me, keep doing the great job mate!


  7. So i stopped reading it a wgile back. June of last year to be exact since the author is slow as molasses. But im wondering are you going to keep on translating this or did you give up since we are constantly annoying you about releases?


    • the later chapters are fixed now. i forgot about that. but the next chapter buttons are broken still. too many to go through and the paragraph spacing is kinda sensitive.


  8. Hi Coolizer, sorry to intrude, but are you still continuing with the translation of this novel? If you don’t, would you mind if I take it over from you? Thank you very much, and I’m waiting for your reply.


  9. Hi there, sorry to intrude, but I was wondering if you are translating this novel? If not, Do I have your permission to pick up where you last left off? Thank you very much!


    • I actually went and translated the first chapter (I didn’t know why either xD). Anyways, first part of first chapter were already published with the second one coming soon (I think), while the chapter where konobuta left off (after prologue of part 2) is undergoing TLC and PR, so expect that to be published in the near future 😀 if the NU page isn’t updated then you can find it at yado inn.


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